TIAL1 (Erinaceus europaeus)

RBP Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CISBP-RNA ID Sequence source
PF00076 (RRM_1) IPR000504 ENSEEUG00000011861 T36829_0.6 Ensembl (2011-Oct-26) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Sequence Logo IUPAC Type/Study/Study ID RBD
No direct experiments

Motifs from related RBPs

Name/Motif ID Species Sequence Logo IUPAC Type/Study/Study ID RBD
No RBPs with similar RNA binding domains

RNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
ENSEEUP00000010827 RRM 1 45
ENSEEUP00000010827 RRM 39 85
ENSEEUP00000010827 RRM 105 175
ENSEEUP00000010827 RRM 213 277


Other RRM family RBPs
Other Erinaceus europaeus RBPs

15 Related RBPs

Due to potential differences in protein isoforms or tested constructs, some RBPs without inferred motifs might appear in this list.
Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence RBD
TIAL1 Oryctolagus cuniculus ENSOCUG00000003783 I 0.952
TIAL1 Taeniopygia guttata ENSTGUG00000011148 N 0.952
Ame_R003219 Ailuropoda melanoleuca Ame_R003219 N 0.952
TIAL1 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000008865 I 0.952
TIAL1 Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG00000003412 N 0.952
TIAL1 Meleagris gallopavo ENSMGAG00000011368 N 0.952
TIAL1 Sorex araneus ENSSARG00000012980 N 0.940
TIAL1 Echinops telfairi ENSETEG00000020276 N 0.935
tial1 Xenopus tropicalis ENSXETG00000010234 N 0.896
CAC95017 Xenopus laevis CAC95017 N 0.860
AAH45086 Xenopus laevis AAH45086 N 0.852
TIAL1 Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG00000011417 N 0.834
TIAL1 Myotis lucifugus ENSMLUG00000004645 N 0.825
TIA1 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000011515 I 0.798
TIAL1 Takifugu rubripes ENSTRUG00000017931 I 0.782