YTHDC1 (Takifugu rubripes)

RBP Information

Pfam ID Interpro ID Gene ID CISBP-RNA ID Sequence source
PF04146 (YTH) IPR007275 ENSTRUG00000010142 T62159_0.6 Ensembl (2011-Oct-26) Link out

Directly determined binding motifs

Name/Motif ID Species Sequence Logo IUPAC Type/Study/Study ID RBD
No direct experiments

Motifs from related RBPs

Name/Motif ID Species Sequence Logo IUPAC Type/Study/Study ID RBD
Homo sapiens KVVURC SELEX
Cook et al.(2011)
For this family, RBPs with RBD identity > 0.7 will likely have a similar motif

RNA Binding Domains

Protein ID Domain From To Sequence
ENSTRUP00000025531 YTH 372 468
ENSTRUP00000025532 YTH 367 463
ENSTRUP00000025533 YTH 355 451
ENSTRUP00000025534 YTH 419 471


Other YTH family RBPs
Other Takifugu rubripes RBPs

44 Related RBPs

Due to potential differences in protein isoforms or tested constructs, some RBPs without inferred motifs might appear in this list.
Name Species Gene ID Motif Evidence RBD
YTHDC1 Gasterosteus aculeatus ENSGACG00000015486 I 0.969
YTHDC1 Tetraodon nigroviridis ENSTNIG00000013243 I 0.969
ythdc1 Xenopus tropicalis ENSXETG00000017960 I 0.907
Q5F341_CHICK Gallus gallus ENSGALG00000011795 I 0.897
YTHDC1 Taeniopygia guttata ENSTGUG00000004452 I 0.897
YTHDC1 Meleagris gallopavo ENSMGAG00000010391 I 0.897
ythdc1 Danio rerio ENSDARG00000051953 I 0.887
LOC100066303 Equus caballus ENSECAG00000018303 I 0.887
YTHDC1 Oryctolagus cuniculus ENSOCUG00000015886 I 0.887
YTHDC1 Otolemur garnettii ENSOGAG00000003362 I 0.887
YTHDC1 Ornithorhynchus anatinus ENSOANG00000014398 I 0.887
Ame_R018249 Ailuropoda melanoleuca Ame_R018249 I 0.887
AAH84321 Xenopus laevis AAH84321 I 0.887
YTHDC1 Loxodonta africana ENSLAFG00000021592 I 0.887
YTHDC1 Canis familiaris ENSCAFG00000002821 I 0.887
Ythdc1 Mus musculus ENSMUSG00000035851 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Pan troglodytes ENSPTRG00000016105 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Sorex araneus ENSSARG00000010960 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Tupaia belangeri ENSTBEG00000011546 I 0.876
Ythdc1 Rattus norvegicus ENSRNOG00000001996 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Pteropus vampyrus ENSPVAG00000015551 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Macaca mulatta ENSMMUG00000002265 I 0.876
ENSPPYG00000014726 Pongo pygmaeus ENSPPYG00000014726 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Gorilla gorilla ENSGGOG00000021958 I 0.876
Ythdc1 Dipodomys ordii ENSDORG00000013045 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Erinaceus europaeus ENSEEUG00000015466 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Anolis carolinensis ENSACAG00000009697 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Cavia porcellus ENSCPOG00000010929 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Callithrix jacchus ENSCJAG00000009934 I 0.876
Q29RQ7_BOVIN Bos taurus ENSBTAG00000015572 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Homo sapiens ENSG00000083896 D 0.876
YTHDC1 Tursiops truncatus ENSTTRG00000005083 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Vicugna pacos ENSVPAG00000009040 I 0.876
YTHDC1 Ochotona princeps ENSOPRG00000008986 I 0.866
YTHDC1 Tarsius syrichta ENSTSYG00000011668 I 0.845
YTHDC1 Choloepus hoffmanni ENSCHOG00000006136 N 0.810
ENSMODG00000020754 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000020754 I 0.804
ENSMODG00000014337 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000014337 I 0.773
YTHDC1 Dasypus novemcinctus ENSDNOG00000004949 I 0.722
ENSMODG00000004117 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000004117 I 0.722
ENSMODG00000010076 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000010076 I 0.722
ENSMODG00000009173 Monodelphis domestica ENSMODG00000009173 I 0.711
YTHDC1 Myotis lucifugus ENSMLUG00000016300 I 0.701